Social Networks

Comparing and Contrasting 

Instagram and LinkedIn

Two social media networks that I've used both professionally and personally include Instagram and LinkedIn. Instagram is my personal account that I use, whereas, LinkedIn is a professional account I use to keep up and maintain my connections that I've made as I've built my semi-professional career in Philanthropy and now in Library Science. 

These two social media platforms are completely different in many ways. Instagram is built purely on the sharing, liking, and commenting of pictures and videos. LinkedIn is a social network similar to Facebook where you create a profile filled with your professional skills, past, and current jobs. LinkedIn works almost like an electronic resume where one can continually update it to best represent one's current work. Instagram, on the other hand, is considerably less professional. While it can be used in a professional regard (many businesses, schools, and libraries use Instagram as a way to connect and advertise things happening in their organization), it is mainly used to interact with friends and celebrities. On Instagram you create a profile and have the option of uploading photos and videos. You can edit and add filters to the media you've created and post it to your wall for all your friends to see and comment on. 

Both social media networks can be valuable to any library and information science professional. LinkedIn provides a way for LIS professionals to create and maintain contact with other librarians. While an Instagram account can be valuable because it helps the professional connect with the library users and establish a positive relationship with them. For example, if a teen librarian used Instagram and posted things related to YA books and programs, then she could use that to reach out to teens who enjoy or may enjoy those activities and bring them into the library. 

An example of a professional use of Instagram would be IUPUI's Instagram feed. IUPUI uses their Instagram page to tell their followers about upcoming events and to keep connected with their alumni. 

Source: IUPUI's Instagram

An example of a professional use of LinkedIn would be my personal profile. This profile helps present my work and skills to potential employers, it also allows me and other to stay connected in a professional sense rather than a more personal use like through Facebook. 


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