New Adult Annotation

Author: Karen Kingsbury
Title: Leaving
Genre: New Adult/ Inspirational
Publication Date: 2011
Number of Pages: 316
Geographical Setting: Bloomington, Indiana
Time Period: Contemporary
Series (If applicable): 1st book

Plot Summary: Karen Kingsbury’s story follows the lives of Bailey Flannigan (daughter of the Colts head football coach) and her dreams to work and live in New York City on Broadway.
Bailey’s story continues from one of Karen Kingsbury’s other works- Above the Line series. In this series, Bailey is about to graduate from college, has wrapped up filming the movie, Unlocked, and gets her big break to be a cast dancer in the broadway production of Hairspray. We read about Bailey’s day to day life as she struggles to find her path in life and what God has in store for her-whether that is in New York, California, or in Indiana. Leaving also focuses on Bailey’s long time crush, Cody Coleman as he deals with PTSD from being on active duty in Iraq, his mother being in prison again for dealing drugs, and his longing to be with Bailey and coming to terms with his new feelings for Cheyenne-the fiancee of Cody’s war comrade who never made it home. Cody also is finding God’s path for him as he becomes the P.E. teacher and head football coach for small town Lyle. Leaving also focuses on Bailey’s friend, Ashley Baxter Blake and her family as they struggle to find their new way in life as children are growing up and Ashley’s husband, Landon, gets diagnosed with a deadly disease. Kingsbury’s Leaving is about growing up, facing the world, and leaning on God through the good times and bad.

Subject Headings: Christian--fiction. Broadway--fiction. Football--fiction. Growing up--fiction.

-Tone/Mood: Tone is light and happy with very little somberness. The storyline darkens slightly towards the end of the book, but ends on a light note.  
-Characterization: Detailed characters where reader’s see into the characters thoughts and actions. Readers will come to know the characters like they are their dear friends.
-Story Line: Story line is fast paced, taking place in just a few weeks/months. Storyline is told from three to four different perspectives.
-Frame/Setting: Leaving takes place in rural country and suburbs. The story is based around family and love.
-Style/Language: Language is casual, and dialect filled. With Christian elements added including Bible verses.  
-Pacing: Pacing is leisurely and relaxing.

3 terms that best describe this book: Leisurely, thought-provoking, loving

Similar Authors and Works:

3 Relevant Non-Fiction Works and Authors
Adulting by Kelly Williams Brown
 Brown’s book is a “guide” to surviving growing up. Funny and serious, Kelly Williams Brown talks young adults through the new life they are experiencing.

Awaken by Priscilla Shrirer
 Shrirer’s book is a devotional guide to reading and seeking the voice of God. Her book follows the theme throughout Leaving where the characters are constantly looking and seeking God’s advice.

Live Fearless by Sadie Robertson
 Written by Christian celebrity, Sadie Robertson, Live Fearless is written for young adults to learn to stand by God to overcome their fears, anxiety, and insecurities, and trust that God has a plan for them.

3 Relevant Fiction Works and Authors
Take One by Karen Kingsbury
 Take One follows three college freshman and one college sophomore as they begin their second chapter at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana. It also follows two producers as they work to create a movie that will change the way Hollywood thinks. Take One is similar to Leaving as it follows the same idea of looking to God in good and bad times and listening for His voice in situations.

A Cousin’s Promise by Wanda E Brunstetter
 This story follows the life of a young amish man who is about to be married, when he is injured he begins to doubt if he can continue with the life they had planned. This is similar to Leaving because it follows the life of a young boy who is struggling to find his way in new circumstances.

Sofia’s Secret by Sharlene MacLaren
 Follows Sofia, a young woman who’s unplanned pregnancy stirs gossip and shame for the young woman. There is a secret that Sofia is hiding and it is not until she meets Dr. Trent and realizes she must learn to trust God with her new life.


  1. By focusing on 3 different people, is the book a smooth read? I would think that the reading would be a little choppy. I might have to add this book to my 'to read' list.

    1. Karen Kingsbury does a good job at making it a smooth transition between each character. Sometimes she focuses on one or two more than the third and I might forget about the 3rd character until she revisits them, but overall, I enjoy reading about 3 different people.

  2. I love that someone found a clean NA read! It's not always easy! Great job and full points on a great annotation!

  3. This sounds like it has a great developed characters. I am surprised that the book isn't more pages. Would you say this is a good book for someone that isn't a big fan of YA?


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