Reading Profile

I love to read and try to find time to read as often as possible. I can likely be found reading two books at once, and when I take one library book back I usually end up with two more to check out. For a while I mostly read young adult fiction, but in the last two years I have stretched my reading habits and have moved on to more romance novels (such as Debbie Macomber), inspirational romance novels, and non-fiction books (mostly biographies and religion based books). I also like to read historical fiction and fantasy but I have not found adult fantasy books that I enjoy as much as I enjoy young adult fantasy and science fiction. I also love reading audio books so I can read while cleaning house or crocheting.

With young adult novels I love to read authors such as Sarah Dessen, Rainbow Rowell, Sarah J. Maas, and James Dashner. Some of these authors, such as Rainbow Rowell, are also known for the genre-New Adult. A term which is new to me and I think I would enjoy this genre.  I am having trouble finding new authors to love in this genre as I have been trying to spend more time reading books that have protagonists set around my own age.

So far in my new experience in genres and in adult fiction, I love authors like Debbie Macomber, Jenny Colgan, and Amy Clipston. I would like to branch out even more and read some mysteries and historical fiction as these are the more popular books at my library and I would like to be able to recommend more titles for my patrons outside of the popular authors such as Nora Roberts/J.D. Robb and James Patterson. They seem to read through their books then come to a stop and want recommendations.

I really hope that this class will help me expand my reading preferences and that I will be able to have a better understanding of all the available genres out there.


  1. Sometimes it's really hard to find time to read. I'm so excited to finish my MLS program this Spring (hopefully) so that I can have much more time to read. I read one book at a time right now, but I want to start reading two books at a time: one fiction and one nonfiction.

    I'd like to read more YA fiction so that I can better serve my teen patrons. I really like realistic YA fiction, but I would like to get more into dystopian YA fiction. The genre New Adult is also new to me. I do not even know what it means! This class is the first I've heard of it. I'm going to have to research it a bit.

    1. Once classes begin, I also find it hard read. Congratulations on finishing your degree this Spring! YA fiction can be really great, so can the dystopian! I really enjoyed the Maze Runner series by James Dashner, and The Jewel by Amy Ewing. I have checked out Warcross by Marie Lu- the synopsis reminds me a lot of Ready Player One by Ernest Cline!

  2. I have not read Stuart Woods yet, although a lot of my patrons seem to enjoy him and Lee Child. I would like to try and read M.C. Beaton, too! I Think my type of mysteries might be more of a cosy mystery, but I will try and branch out!

  3. Great profile! I too listen to audiobooks while cleaning or working on puzzles. It helps me stay ahead of my reading goals!

  4. Hi Chelsea! First, thanks for taking a look at MY profile. I will never be a full-time blogger, but for this class I will make my best effort and its always nice when doing so to know someone is out there reading what one wrote!

    It's good to find a kindred spirit whose "TO-read" list is outpacing her "HAVE-read" list. I saw you wrote a book review last March on Fangirl. I, too, am a Rainbow Rowell fan. I found her quite by accident. I worked at the phone company for 37 years and I still have a home phone. (I tell people they can have my landline when they pry it from my cold, dead hands.) Anyway. That's how her book Landline caught my eye. I didn't even know what it was about, but I had to have it. And I loved it. The whole time travel deal reminded me of one of my favorite movies, Peggy Sue Got Married, and I really did like the main character, Georgie McCool. So if you haven't read it, add that one to your (LONG) list! Have a great semester!!!


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