Romance Annotation

Title: Love Letters
Author: Katie Fforde
Genre: Romance
Publication date: 2009
Number of Pages: 388
Geographical Setting: English and Irish countryside
Time Period: Contemporary
Series: standalone
Plot Summary: Navigating new waters as her comfortable job as at a bookstore closes, Laura ends up organizing a literary festival where she must secure the most highly regarded, reclusive Irish novelist of their generation. Pushed outside her comfort zone, Laura searches to find a new place for herself while trying to resist her feelings for the brilliant and outlandish Irish writer. Fate seems to keep throwing them together (with the help of Laura's new friends and miscommunication), Laura finds her relationship with the writer is not so far fetched as it seemed to be. Laura's story is all about reaching for her dreams while falling hopelessly in love with the unattainable author.
Subject Heading: Romance. Humor. Literature and Books.
Appeal Terms:
-Story Line: romanced focused, but does not focus solely on romance.
-Tone/mood: heartwarming and lighthearted
-Pacing: character and dialogue focused but leisurely focused-story takes place over a couple of months rather than a day or week.

Similar Works and Authors: 
Starry Night by Debbie Macomber
Since You've Been Gone by Anouska Knight
The City Baker's Guide to Country Living by Louise Miller
The Little Beach Street Bakery by Jenny Colgan


  1. Chelsea,

    I have never been a huge fan of romance novels, simply because I think that they can become overwhelming single noted. However, you have intrigued me with your annotation, because you mention that it is romance focused, but not solely on romance. I will have to add this to my to-be-read list, and there are definitely patrons that I know would enjoy that diversity in the story line as well. Thanks for the suggestion!

  2. Chelsea,

    I began reading your annotation before reading the title - oops! As I was reading your plot summary, I wondered if it was romance or a gentle read. However, I think that explains what Andrea was saying about how this romance book isn't focused solely on the romance. I'm always afraid to read a romance novel because of just only that romance in the novel. But, I really like how you summarized this novel! I will have to put this on my to read list!

  3. Hi, Chelsea! I had to read your annotation as soon as I saw the author. I am a huge fan of Jasper Fforde (I try to work him and his Thursday Next novels into nearly every conversation) and I see that your author Katie and he are cousins by marriage! Good enough for me! I also love any book set in the UK! Reading your summary I find myself thinking of a movie I enjoyed years ago called The Matchmaker. It too was a (seemingly) unlikely love match between an American working for a senator and a handsome Irishman.

    1. SOMEONE ELSE HAS SEEN THE MATCHMAKER?!?!?! Sorry, that's my all time favorite romcom and it's super underrated and... a little outdated, but I love it.

  4. I've never read a romance, nor do I really plan to (just not my thing), but I am surprised it is that long of a book. It must really be more than just romance, which is great to see. Many romance book descriptions seem like such a basic plot, but this plot seems more developed. Great to see there is humor involved. I love books with humor because they seem to make the book go by faster for me.


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